Thursday, September 22, 2011

new blog

come follow me at where I will be updating my various projects and inspiration that comes my way. I won't be at this blog much anymore.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Well work is starting to get very busy. We had the teen/children auditions that I got to run the dance call for. We have had Wichita and OKC adult auditions where I was able to assist with the dance call and be the greeter. I am learning a ton!

Our auditions in OKC are held at my old college at OCU during the Spring Dance Show. While there this year it really brought back so many memories of college and all the friends I never get to see anymore. I sure don't miss college but I do miss all the memories and people that were a part of my life during those very important four years of my life. I also remember my parents and sister being able to come see my senior year spring show. My double broke his foot right before tech week and I was able to be in all my parts for every show. It was sad that he broke his foot, but it was neat my family got to see me perform extra!!!

Below is a picture I just had to put on here. I have seen it floating around the internet and it just makes me laugh. If you agree with it or not. I feel it really relates to what is going on right now and I find this picture very intriguing and should give us all something to think about.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Update on House

I got the crazy idea to remodel my kitchen. After getting quotes for new cabinets and counters that were WAY above my price range I decided to take on a little (or not so little) project of my own.

I wanted to start small at first and I primed all the doors and the body of a laminate tv hutch I have in my basement. I got some paint and put two coats on it all. I found some cheap wallpaper and lined the inside of the hutch with that. I then sanded the edged of the doors to make it have a worn/rustic feel to it. I then had some help from my Wichita Family to put the TV back in...because it was so heavy! I think it looks real good and it looks like real wood furniture now!

After attempting and succeeding with that project I was ready to take on the kitchen. I took the cabinet doors off of and started priming all the cabinets. Then started painting away. I got some rope looking trim to put on the edges of the new open shelves. I also used that border for the beadboard that I used on one wall (not finished with that yet so you don't get to see pictures of that!). I then removed my sink...Which was quite a project in it's own!!! I ripped out the old tile backsplash and then I prepared to tile the counter and sink. I found this tile for only $5.00 a square foot!!! It was quite the deal. I tiled and grout sealed all the tile and while the sink was out I installed a new faucet. Put the sink back in and the counters were finished! Next I added the beadboard and trim on the wall where my buffet will go. I then painted the room a grey granite color and the hallway adjoining the kitchen the same color. Next was the mason jar chandelier. That was the hardest thing to do!!! You would think tiling or removing a sink would be the hardest....BUT the mason jars were what did me in! I finally got them hanging and working! So the kitchen is finished for now.

I have been going to estate sales, flea markets, and antique stores and have found some great frames! I have painted them white and have done a collage of frames in the dining room. Also made a wall of tin signs heading towards the basement.

I think I am finished withe projects for a while!

Thursday, January 6, 2011


I got to go home for Thanksgiving and it was a lot of fun. I got to spend a week at home and see lots and lots of cousins that I only see every two years. I have some favorites but I will never tell!

My Christmas Show CELEBRATE! found a new home at the Scottish Rite Center with The Signature Theatre. It is a great space and I think it was a great show with over 55 performers this year. My friend Chris Clark took some publiciy photos for us and donated the program covers. It all looked very good. My family was able to come and see the show again and they are always so much help. Cassidy takes video/pictures and sells them with all profits going to the CELEBRATE! fund. Jan and Sami took charge of decorating the stage to make it look very Christmas like. They were going to miss the last show because of their flight, so I took them to the airport and as soon as I got to the theatre I got a text from them that said they were delayed several hours and they were able to come see the show again....and help STRIKE! haha. Dad stayed at the airport with all the bags.

I got to go home for 9 days for Christmas. It was a lot of fun to be at home. We made gingerbread houses and were very competitive, of course. Watched LOTS of movies, played with the nephews, went shopping, visited some friends, and relaxed. Sami and I got Sam two panoramic pictures from the mountain and framed them. They will be really cool hanging up in the cabin once it is finished.

I am starting to choreography projects at two different high schools. ANNIE GET YOUR GUN and SUESSICAL. I have never choreographed either of those so I am very excited. Right after that will be teen auditions for work, company auditions, and than the summer will be here already!!! Time sure does fly.